
Frequently Asked Questions

When are services held?

Our in-person worship services are on the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Sunday of each month.

We host a virtual service called "Heart-2-Heart" on the 4th Sunday of each month.

Do you have youth ministry?

We have a fun, safe, and inspirational youth worship experience called "Kids @ Heart" for students Pre-K (ages 3-5) and K-5th students.

We are aiming to expand our services to include a teen worship experience for students in grades 6th-12th.

What happens on 5th Sundays?

Currently 5th Sundays are event days for Heart Church; we will host Volunteer Appreciation Days, Outreach Activities, or Social Gatherings. Subscribe in the email section below, in the footer ,or check out our Events page to stay updated on 5th Sunday activities.

When is Communion?

Every 3rd Sunday we share in Communion during our worship service. We partake in the elements of juice and wafers, representing the body and blood of Christ, to remember and honor his sacrifice for all believers.

What should I do when I arrive on Sundays?

Plan to arrive at Patrick Henry K-8 School by 10:45am. This will give you time to stop by the Welcome Center for church info, sign-ups, and kids check-in; then to take your child to youth worship and find a seat in the sanctuary.

What are church services like?

Heart church has a contemporary worship environment that encourages guests to respectfully dress in comfortable and self-expressive clothing.

Heart uplifts God through a blend of worship music that brings new expression to familiar Gospel to honor both the past and the present for a multi-generational gathering.

Worship Location

We gather to worship at Patrick Henry School every 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Sunday of the month at 11AM!